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Freestalls for heifers is one of the most efficient housing options for all ages 6 months and up. King designers will help determine the layout that is best for you, whether it is a 6-row, 4-row, 3-row or 2-row, and select group sizes and stall sizes for the most comfort and best management. Mechanical scrapers or slatted floors provide the best labor efficiency. Custom designed features such as a foot bath, catch chute or supply room are available.
Brook Corner Farm
+ 2 Row + 124 Stalls + Slatted with 8' Pit + 6 month to Prefresh
Landyshade Farm
+ 3 Row + 240 Stalls + Alley Scraper with Reception Pit + 6 month to Prefresh
© 2013 King Construction LLC
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